Friday, June 15, 2012

Well, so much for relaxing on my day off today.  Instead, it was a day of running around grocery shopping and completing errands.  Those who know me know that I LOVE to use coupons to get a good deal, so I didn't just go to one grocery store, I went to THREE!  There is my confession, my other passion is coupons. I got away from using them for a little bit while we were moving but I am glad to be using coupons again, lol.

A good practice to have in grocery shopping is to mostly shop the perimeter of the store where the produce, dairy and meat aisles are.  You should avoid the inner aisles as much as possible such as the frozen or processed food aisles (I don't ever NOT shop in the middle aisles, but I try to limit it).

For dinner, my oldest daughter and I made homemade pizzas for the family.  Not only is this cheaper, it is healthier (depending on what toppings you use).  It is also fun to do with my daughter.  She looks forward to helping me make the pizzas.  She loves to put the (turkey) pepperoni on it while eating some at the same time.  She does the same with the cheese.

After dinner, my mother-in-law and I went for a 30 minute brisk walk.  This was the exercise (besides the walking in the grocery stores) that I made myself fit into my day today.  A part of the walk was winding up a path on a hill.  It was a beautiful view from the top (see picture above).

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the walk AND your company :-)

