Monday, June 25, 2012

Today the saying "you're only one workout away from a good mood" was fitting.  I have received bad news twice this past week and was feeling a little blue.  The second piece of news came today.  So, instead of burying my frustration with food then going to bed, I did my workout and I feel a lot better.  It is amazing how much a good workout can help.  Today's workout wasn't even cardio, it was a yoga workout.  I am in no way saying that I am able to do this 100% of the time but that is my goal.

With the first piece of bad news I did indulge myself in a few treats until I realized the correlation between my sudden need to devour my trigger food and the news that I received.  That is the first step.  I feel that you need to realize your triggers and/or trigger foods that lead to the path of over indulgence.  I so wanted to grab a bag of salt and pepper kettle chips and a Diet Coke when I stopped by the grocery store tonight like I used to do.  Then I remembered how I would feel after and I made the smart/healthy choice not to give into my desire.  When I would give in and eat like this, I would end up with an upset stomach so then I would eat MORE to try to settle my stomach and then get frustrated with myself and eat more.  It was a vicious cycle.  I still find my self heading down this path but I have also been able to stop myself too.

So I guess the point of my rant is that when you are in a blue/down/blah mood, try to get some type of exercise in because it may help you feel better.  If it doesn't, do some more walking/cardio.  This will help release the tension that you are holding inside and you are less likely to go on an eating binge or to become even more emotional about whatever the issue/circumstance is.  I know this from first hand experience.  Plus, the exercise will help you move in the right direction to better your health!

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